Family & Religion

Sociology - Family & Religion
This is the government-sponsored search engine of more than 20,000 drug and alcohol treatment providers, offering different methods and levels of care across the country.

Information on substance abuse and addiction treatment for the aged.

A resource for seniors, geriatrics professionals, cargivers, and advocates.

This is the official site of the Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center University of Southern California and University of California, Irvine. The Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Aging with a Disability is one of two rehabilitation centers located at Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center in Downey, California. The second Center is the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Aging with Spinal Cord Injury. These two Centers investigate the impact of aging on persons with a disabilities such as: polio and post-polio syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury, stroke and others. The site includes research, reports, links, and related information.

This is the official site of the institute on Independent Living. The Institute's purpose is to promote the opportunities of persons with disabilities to gain more personal and political power, self-determination, full participation and equality through information, training materials, consultancy and technical assistance. The Institute works in cooperation with other organizations which support these aims at the local, national and international level, including self-help groups in developing countries. Numerous links and resources are presented.

The official site of the charitable organization, National Organization for and of People with mental retardation and related developmental disabilities and their families. It provides legislatives guidelines for activism, opportunities to donate to the organization, research, scientific updates, and related information.

This is the official Website of the National Empowerment Center. Its goal is to empower those suffering from all forms of mental illness to the end result of full recovery. It provides newsletters, supportive materials, links, organizational information and guidelines, political updates, and other resources.

This site is facilitated by the Gerontological Society of America. It provides research links, studies, information, and reports about the study of aging. It also provides a platform for the reporting of inter-disciplinary research findings about the elderly. It is useful for educators, policy makers, therapists, and service practitioners.

The National Institute on Aging (NIA) is one of the 25 institutes and centers of the National Institute of Health. It leads a broad scientific effort to understand the nature of aging and to extend the healthy, active years of life. In 1974, Congress granted authority to form the National Institute on Aging to provide leadership in aging research, training, health information dissemination, and other programs relevant to aging and older people. This site provides research, funding opportunities, links, and press releases.

Founded in 1950, National Council On Aging is the nation's first association of organizations and professionals dedicated to promoting the dignity, self-determination, well being, and contributions of older persons. The site provides news releases, research, search, links, funding opportunities, and general information on aging.

The American Society on Aging (ASA) is a nonprofit organization committed to enhancing the knowledge and skills of those working with older adults and their families. Their site provides publications and resources, educational programs, and diversity initiatives. They connect to share knowledge with the largest network of professionals in the field of aging.

This Web site provides information on the medical aspects of aging. Since 1981, the American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR) has helped scientists begin and further careers in aging research and geriatric medicine. Their mission is to promote healthier aging through biomedical research. We fulfill this mission by: Supporting biomedical research, train new and young scientists in aging research and geriatric medicine, and Promoting an awareness among the general public about the importance of medical research in this field.

The Administration on Aging website provides access to information about the agency, its mission, budget, and organizational structure. In addition, you can learn more about the Older Americans Act, the federal legislation establishing the AoA and authorizing a range of programs that offer services and opportunities for older Americans and their caregivers. Numerous resources and links are provided.

Comprehensive birth injury information aimed at providing parents and loved ones of a child with a birth injury with the vital information they need.

This site is the Family Research Council, a conservative organization supporting what it calls "traditional family values." What does the council consider a "traditional family"? What values does it defend? Why? Are there family problems that it ignores?

The Council on Contemporary Families conducts research on today's family patterns.

Interested in tracing your ancestors? Learn more about genealogy at this resource site.

This is the site for the Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics, which compiles information from eighteen government agencies.

This organization provides information on how families and, especially, children around the world are affected by war, poverty, and AIDS and explains how you can help.

Religious Freedom Watch offers information on a variety of religious issues, including cults and toleration of religious differences.

Baptist World Alliance

Church World Service

Catholic Relief Services: Official International Relief and Development Agency of the U.S. Catholic Community

A number of religious organizations are involved in addressing hunger and other social problems. This site describes the activities of Baptist World Aid, Church World Service, Catholic Relief Services, and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee.

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